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November 25, 2019

5 Steps To Transform Businesses Through Automation

Is there something your business needs to be doing today which you can’t do because it requires significant investment in headcount? It could be something from a customer experience point of view, an organisational standpoint or even a compliance aspect that you need to be doing but it’s out of reach because you can’t bring on the headcount or sustain the large investment.
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November 17, 2019

The Digital Revolution: It's Not About Technology

Last Friday I attended the pwc HeraldTalks November event – The Tech Revolution. As a takeaways I grabbed three novel ideas and questions that can help businesses take a different view on how to apply technology to their operating models.
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October 30, 2019

When an automation programme fails, this is usually why...

Automation is undoubtedly on the agenda of most executives in New Zealand. Enabled by a wider ecosystem of smart technologies, Intelligent Process Automation is the destination making AI one of the hottest words of 2019.
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October 15, 2019

When an automation programs fails, this is normally why...

When you look at RPA or content intelligence, there are so many organisations doing it wrong, making huge mistakes and giving Robotic Process Automation and content intelligence a bad name. Why?
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April 16, 2019

8 Technology Enablers for Digital Transformation

Eight technology enablers exist, which when holistically present in a technology mix will provide business leaders with the opportunity to drive short-term business benefit while creating a platform for sustainable digital transformation.
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April 2, 2019

4 Leading Global Technologies. 1 New Zealand Partner.

Quanton is excited to officially announce our partnership with ABBYY to provide New Zealand businesses Content Intelligence in Process Automation.
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