RPA Preparation & Early Stage Planning - New eBook Released
Quanton is excited to announce the release of our latest eBook, Robotic Process Automation – Early Stage Preparation and Planning, covering topics including benefits measurement, implementation risks, process selection, all designed to help New Zealand organisations make informed decisions regarding RPA.
5 Lessons for Applying Robotic Process Automation from a Global MD
Last week Quanton hosted Martin Meikle-Small in New Zealand, Managing Director for global technology company Trust Portal which extends the capability of Blue Prism.
3 Reasons New Zealand Enterprise are Ready to Reap the Benefits of Digital Transformation
The Digital Evolution Index (DEI) is an evaluation of 60 countries, combining more than 100 different indicators to determine the level of digital capability and momentum (the speed at which technology is adopted and applied).
RPA automation, RPA tools, Software robots, and virtual workforce – with so many terms it is understandably hard to understand what RPA is - the innovative technology that promises to re-shape our back-office operating models.
3 Key Benefits of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Cost reduction is an obvious benefit, but the true benefits of RPA extend beyond the narrow focus of cost control providing organisations with a lever to increase speed and agility and improve the customer experience.